In studies in medical science or public health, the health outcome we want to predict or explain with independent variables is often binary. For example, the outcome could be whether a patient has a specific disease or not (e.g. diabetic or not), or it could be whether a patient develops a new condition within a certain period of time (e.g. recurrence of cancer within 3 years since surgery). This makes logistic regression one of the most commonly used methods among others in health research.
Logistic regression assumes that the response variable follows the Bernoulli distribution and the probability of “success” is equal to the logistic function of linear combination of independent variables. There is no distributional assumption required for the independent variables in logistic regression. However, when an independent variable has a very skewed distribution to the right, it is common to apply log transformation of such variables in medical science and public health (Ekwaru and Veugelers, 2018; Feng
Log-transformation is simply replacing a variable
Although lab values are usually nonnegative, often times they have zeros. This is because in many cases, due to technical restrictions, there is a limit of detection. That is, if the amount of the substance of interest goes smaller than a certain value, it is not detected and is recorded as zero. Therefore, to log-transform a lab value, it is wise to check if there are zeros, and if so, preprocessing to handle zeros is necessary before log-transformation.
The most commonly used method to handle zeros before log-transformation is the so called “started logarithm” (Rocke and Durbin-Johnson, 2003). This method is adding a small positive constant before log-transformation. That is, replacing
Park (2023) introduced five zero imputation methods commonly used in practice including “started logarithm” and compared their performances in linear regression setting. However, the impact of use of these methods in logistic regression remains unclear.
In this study, we investigate the effect of zero imputation methods for log-transformation of independent variables in logistic regression setting using a simulation study. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Chapter 2, we introduce the logistic regression setting with a right-skewed independent variable. In Chapter 3, the five most common zero imputation methods used in medical science are introduced. Chapter 4 presents the details and the results of the simulation study, and we conclude with recommendations for zero imputation methods in Chapter 5.
We are interested in the situation where the logistic regression model (
The model above reflects the common situation where
Setting up
However, log(
We consider five different choices for
This method adds one to the whole observations, and then takes the logarithm. This can be written as follows:
The rationale behind this method is that it transforms zero to zero. That is,
In this method, half of the minimum value of nonzero observations is added to
This method is different from the ‘shift by one’ method in the sense that the added constant is determined based on the distribution of the observed data. Thus using this method prevents
We can consider adding the square root of min
Here, we can think of
This method keeps nonzero observations the same and only replaces zeros with a half of the minimum of nonzero observations. That is, we use transformation as follows:
For positive observations, this method does not change anything before log-transformation, resulting in
Similar to the previous method, this method only replaces zeros with a positive constant and keeps nonzeros as they are. The difference is that the square root of the minimum of nonzero observations is used as the positive constant rather than half of the smallest nonzero. This can be written as follows:
When the minimum of nonzero observations is less than 1,
To evaluate the performance of the five zero imputation methods outlined in the previous chapter, we carried out a simulation study and report the results here. Here, we outline the steps to generate simulated data. First, to simulate a continuous, right-skewed independent variable, we generated random numbers that follow a log-normal distribution. We considered three different kinds of log-normal distribution: Lognormal(0, 12), Lognormal(3, 12), Lognormal(3, 32), which are similar to the distributions of commonly used lab values CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen), CRP, and CA19-9, respectively. To help grasp the overall distribution, mean, median, 1, 3, 5, 10, and 99.5 percentile of
Second, the lowest 1, 3, 5, or 10% of the generated values were replaced by zero to reflect the measurement error due to limit of detection.
Third, the values of the response variable were generated from the Bernoulii distribution with the success probability calculated by
In summary, we considered 6 different scenarios. Scenario 1, 2, and 3 are for the cases where
We generated 1000 sets of samples, each with a sample size of 200. We repeated the same experiment with sample size of 100 and 300, and the results were similar, but are not reported here. For measure of performance, we calculated bias of MLE estimates of
First, let’s take a look at the scenario 1 to 3 where the response variable has balanced distribution. Figure 1 shows that the bias in the intercept term tends to be negative. This is because, all five zero imputation methods tend to make the value of independent variable greater than or equal to the originally observed value. That is,
Bias in the slope is presented in Figure 2. With all five zero imputation methods, the range of
The c-indices in the training set and testing set were almost the same for all five methods because the different zero imputation methods do not change the order of observations of the independent variable most of the time.
Figure 4 shows calibration in the large is all positive, which means that the success probability is underestimated overall using
Now, we consider the results of scenario 4 to 6, where the response variable has an unbalanced distribution. From Figures 6, 7, and 8, we can see similar patterns to those in scenario 1 to 3, where the bias of the intercept term tends to be negative and the bias of the slope is more likely to be positive.
Figure 9 shows calibration in the large is all positive, which is also similar to scenario 1 to 3, except that the magnitude of calibration in the large is much bigger in scenario 4. The calibration slope was less than 1 in scenario 5 and 6, but tends to be greater than 1 in scenario 4. These results imply that when the success probability is low and the range of the independent variable is narrow, the success probability tends to be greatly underestimated and the effect of the independent variable is also underestimated. Overall, shift by 1 method remains to be the worst method, similarly to scenario 1 to 3.
We investigated the impact of zero imputation methods for nonnegative independent variables with skewed distribution in logistic regression. We evaluated and compared the performance of five zero imputation methods commonly used in clinical research using a simulation study. Overall, bias in the estimated coefficients tends to be high when the range of independent variable is narrow, especially with the ‘shift by 1’ method. Bias can be dramatically high in OR estimate and thus, caution is necessary when selecting zero imputation method especially when the range of the observed values of independent variable is rather narrow. The effect of the zero imputation method in the discrimination of the resulting logistic regression model is minimal, but calibration suffers somehow, although there is not so much of a difference among the zero imputation methods. Overall, it is recommended to avoid the shift by 1 method because it can yield too high a bias in the parameter estimation despite its ease of use. Shift by half of the smallest nonzero, replace zeros with half of the smallest nonzero, and replace zeros with the square root of the smallest nonzero methods showed comparable and stable performance. In the future, investigation of the effect of the zero imputation methods in the Cox proportional hazards model, which is another frequently used method in clinical research, is warranted. Another possible research subject includes investigation of the effect of the zero imputation methods on agreement studies, where a new technique to measure a quantity is compared to the gold standard.
This research was supported by the Korea National Open University Research Fund.
Distribution of the independent variable
Scenario | 1, 4 | 2, 5 | 3, 6 |
Distribution of | Lognormal(0, 12) | Lognormal(3, 12) | Lognormal(3, 32) |
Mean | 1.65 | 33.12 | 1808.04 |
Median | 1.00 | 20.09 | 20.09 |
1 percentile | 0.10 | 1.96 | 0.02 |
3 percentile | 0.15 | 3.06 | 0.07 |
5 percentile | 0.19 | 3.88 | 0.14 |
10 percentile | 0.28 | 5.58 | 0.43 |
99.5 percentile | 13.14 | 263.97 | 45592.02 |
Results of the simulation study for scenario 1 where
Percentage of zeros | Measure of performance | Shift by 1 | Shift by (1/2)(smallest nonzero) | Shift by sqrt(smallest nonzero) | Replace zeros with (1/2)(smallest nonzero) | Replace zeros with sqrt(smallest nonzero) |
1% | −1.691(0.273) | −0.084(0.147) | −0.528(0.165) | −0.001(0.145) | −0.010(0.145) | |
1.194(0.351) | 0.191(0.164) | 0.532(0.219) | 0.118(0.152) | 0.138(0.153) | ||
exp( | 6.844(3.610) | 0.619(0.559) | 2.023(1.084) | 0.376(0.476) | 0.439(0.490) | |
c-index in training set | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | |
c-index in test set | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 0.012(0.137) | 0.039(0.135) | 0.054(0.139) | 0.026(0.135) | 0.025(0.134) | |
Calibration slope | 0.883(0.146) | 0.882(0.126) | 0.868(0.127) | 0.891(0.126) | 0.884(0.124) | |
3% | −1.679(0.271) | −0.113(0.147) | −0.633(0.168) | 0.002(0.145) | −0.029(0.144) | |
1.183(0.348) | 0.194(0.171) | 0.591(0.230) | 0.108(0.152) | 0.167(0.158) | ||
exp( | 6.729(3.535) | 0.631(0.586) | 2.327(1.215) | 0.345(0.473) | 0.534(0.521) | |
c-index in training set | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.758(0.026) | |
c-index in test set | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.735(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 0.012(0.137) | 0.034(0.135) | 0.038(0.139) | 0.026(0.135) | 0.023(0.133) | |
Calibration slope | 0.884(0.146) | 0.886(0.132) | 0.878(0.131) | 0.890(0.128) | 0.881(0.124) | |
5% | −1.662(0.269) | −0.129(0.147) | −0.695(0.170) | 0.005(0.145) | −0.049(0.144) | |
1.168(0.344) | 0.184(0.173) | 0.620(0.236) | 0.098(0.151) | 0.193(0.164) | ||
exp( | 6.565(3.419) | 0.598(0.587) | 2.480(1.283) | 0.315(0.465) | 0.624(0.560) | |
c-index in training set | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.756(0.026) | |
c-index in test set | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.734(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 0.012(0.137) | 0.039(0.134) | 0.043(0.137) | 0.027(0.134) | 0.021(0.133) | |
Calibration slope | 0.885(0.145) | 0.881(0.135) | 0.875(0.131) | 0.887(0.128) | 0.882(0.126) | |
10% | −1.601(0.261) | −0.146(0.147) | −0.786(0.174) | 0.014(0.145) | −0.101(0.142) | |
1.108(0.328) | 0.138(0.166) | 0.641(0.237) | 0.077(0.146) | 0.257(0.183) | ||
exp( | 5.983(3.048) | 0.445(0.536) | 2.591(1.313) | 0.250(0.439) | 0.856(0.671) | |
c-index in training set | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.751(0.027) | |
c-index in test set | 0.737(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | 0.728(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 0.013(0.137) | 0.029(0.135) | 0.023(0.137) | 0.025(0.135) | 0.015(0.133) | |
Calibration slope | 0.889(0.143) | 0.897(0.138) | 0.890(0.133) | 0.895(0.128) | 0.878(0.133) |
Results of the simulation study for scenario 2 where
Percentage of zeros | Measure of performance | Shift by 1 | Shift by (1/2)(smallest nonzero) | Shift by sqrt(smallest nonzero) | Replace zeros with (1/2)(smallest nonzero) | Replace zeros with sqrt(smallest nonzero) |
1% | −0.630(0.511) | −0.659(0.518) | −0.771(0.526) | −0.355(0.472) | −0.365(0.470) | |
0.184(0.163) | 0.191(0.164) | 0.219(0.167) | 0.118(0.152) | 0.121(0.151) | ||
exp( | 0.594(0.547) | 0.619(0.559) | 0.713(0.583) | 0.376(0.476) | 0.386(0.476) | |
c-index in training set | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | |
c-index in test set | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 0.024(0.136) | 0.039(0.135) | 0.033(0.135) | 0.026(0.135) | 0.026(0.135) | |
Calibration slope | 0.894(0.128) | 0.882(0.126) | 0.886(0.126) | 0.891(0.126) | 0.891(0.125) | |
3% | −0.494(0.530) | −0.695(0.545) | −0.753(0.545) | −0.322(0.475) | −0.336(0.472) | |
0.143(0.168) | 0.194(0.171) | 0.208(0.171) | 0.108(0.152) | 0.112(0.152) | ||
exp( | 0.463(0.542) | 0.631(0.586) | 0.680(0.594) | 0.345(0.473) | 0.358(0.473) | |
c-index in training set | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | |
c-index in test set | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 0.025(0.136) | 0.034(0.135) | 0.029(0.135) | 0.026(0.135) | 0.026(0.135) | |
Calibration slope | 0.897(0.139) | 0.886(0.132) | 0.890(0.132) | 0.890(0.128) | 0.891(0.127) | |
5% | −0.321(0.542) | −0.680(0.557) | −0.680(0.552) | −0.290(0.473) | −0.289(0.472) | |
0.090(0.170) | 0.184(0.173) | 0.184(0.173) | 0.098(0.151) | 0.098(0.151) | ||
exp( | 0.300(0.519) | 0.598(0.587) | 0.597(0.582) | 0.315(0.465) | 0.315(0.464) | |
c-index in training set | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | |
c-index in test set | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 0.026(0.136) | 0.039(0.134) | 0.031(0.134) | 0.027(0.134) | 0.026(0.135) | |
Calibration slope | 0.898(0.150) | 0.881(0.135) | 0.888(0.136) | 0.887(0.128) | 0.891(0.129) | |
10% | 0.205(0.523) | −0.559(0.545) | −0.398(0.535) | −0.218(0.459) | −0.122(0.459) | |
−0.067(0.159) | 0.138(0.166) | 0.096(0.163) | 0.077(0.146) | 0.048(0.145) | ||
exp( | −0.144(0.415) | 0.445(0.536) | 0.314(0.502) | 0.250(0.439) | 0.165(0.422) | |
c-index in training set | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | 0.759(0.026) | |
c-index in test set | 0.737(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 0.029(0.138) | 0.029(0.135) | 0.028(0.136) | 0.025(0.135) | 0.025(0.136) | |
Calibration slope | 0.906(0.166) | 0.897(0.138) | 0.900(0.142) | 0.895(0.128) | 0.898(0.131) |
Results of the simulation study for scenario 3 where
Percentage of zeros | Measure of performance | Shift by 1 | Shift by (1/2)(smallest nonzero) | Shift by sqrt(smallest nonzero) | Replace zeros with (1/2)(smallest nonzero) | Replace zeros with sqrt(smallest nonzero) |
1% | −0.784(0.591) | −0.246(0.571) | −0.346(0.567) | −0.235(0.571) | −0.239(0.570) | |
0.212(0.183) | 0.079(0.172) | 0.105(0.172) | 0.076(0.172) | 0.078(0.171) | ||
exp( | 0.699(0.654) | 0.268(0.533) | 0.346(0.548) | 0.260(0.532) | 0.264(0.531) | |
c-index in training set | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | |
c-index in test set | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 0.080(0.157) | 0.101(0.154) | 0.103(0.154) | 0.100(0.154) | 0.100(0.154) | |
Calibration slope | 0.872(0.133) | 0.853(0.138) | 0.853(0.134) | 0.854(0.139) | 0.854(0.138) | |
3% | −0.783(0.591) | −0.263(0.571) | −0.419(0.570) | −0.236(0.571) | −0.254(0.565) | |
0.211(0.183) | 0.083(0.172) | 0.123(0.173) | 0.076(0.172) | 0.082(0.170) | ||
exp( | 0.697(0.654) | 0.282(0.536) | 0.403(0.562) | 0.261(0.532) | 0.275(0.529) | |
c-index in training set | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | |
c-index in test set | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 0.080(0.157) | 0.101(0.154) | 0.099(0.155) | 0.100(0.154) | 0.099(0.154) | |
Calibration slope | 0.872(0.133) | 0.854(0.138) | 0.859(0.134) | 0.854(0.138) | 0.855(0.136) | |
5% | −0.780(0.591) | −0.284(0.573) | −0.477(0.573) | −0.237(0.570) | −0.274(0.561) | |
0.210(0.183) | 0.089(0.173) | 0.137(0.175) | 0.077(0.172) | 0.087(0.169) | ||
exp( | 0.695(0.653) | 0.297(0.541) | 0.449(0.575) | 0.262(0.531) | 0.291(0.529) | |
c-index in training set | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | |
c-index in test set | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 0.080(0.157) | 0.102(0.154) | 0.099(0.155) | 0.100(0.154) | 0.098(0.154) | |
Calibration slope | 0.872(0.133) | 0.853(0.138) | 0.858(0.133) | 0.854(0.138) | 0.856(0.135) | |
10% | −0.762(0.591) | −0.348(0.575) | −0.600(0.580) | −0.250(0.565) | −0.336(0.552) | |
0.205(0.183) | 0.104(0.174) | 0.166(0.178) | 0.081(0.170) | 0.104(0.168) | ||
exp( | 0.678(0.649) | 0.344(0.553) | 0.545(0.604) | 0.272(0.528) | 0.343(0.534) | |
c-index in training set | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | 0.924(0.020) | |
c-index in test set | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 0.080(0.157) | 0.098(0.154) | 0.088(0.156) | 0.098(0.154) | 0.092(0.156) | |
Calibration slope | 0.870(0.133) | 0.853(0.136) | 0.865(0.133) | 0.855(0.137) | 0.868(0.134) |
Results of the simulation study for scenario 4 where
Percentage of zeros | Measure of performance | Shift by 1 | Shift by (1/2)(smallest nonzero) | Shift by sqrt(smallest nonzero) | Replace zeros with (1/2)(smallest nonzero) | Replace zeros with sqrt(smallest nonzero) |
1% | −1.266(0.438) | −0.152(0.255) | −0.487(0.302) | −0.083(0.247) | −0.089(0.247) | |
0.579(0.365) | 0.035(0.246) | 0.219(0.281) | −0.007(0.238) | −0.001(0.238) | ||
exp( | 2.479(2.134) | 0.184(0.748) | 0.805(1.060) | 0.061(0.693) | 0.077(0.696) | |
c-index in training set | 0.740(0.048) | 0.740(0.048) | 0.740(0.048) | 0.740(0.048) | 0.740(0.048) | |
c-index in test set | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 2.831(0.738) | 2.419(0.592) | 2.588(0.628) | 2.383(0.590) | 2.389(0.597) | |
Calibration slope | 1.270(0.361) | 1.061(0.300) | 1.134(0.313) | 1.049(0.301) | 1.053(0.304) | |
3% | −1.262(0.438) | −0.177(0.259) | −0.565(0.314) | −0.081(0.247) | −0.101(0.248) | |
0.577(0.364) | 0.046(0.250) | 0.257(0.289) | −0.009(0.238) | 0.009(0.239) | ||
exp( | 2.467(2.124) | 0.221(0.771) | 0.951(1.138) | 0.055(0.691) | 0.105(0.708) | |
c-index in training set | 0.740(0.048) | 0.740(0.048) | 0.740(0.048) | 0.740(0.048) | 0.739(0.048) | |
c-index in test set | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.735(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 2.825(0.742) | 2.403(0.635) | 2.616(0.654) | 2.365(0.607) | 2.407(0.580) | |
Calibration slope | 1.267(0.363) | 1.056(0.320) | 1.155(0.326) | 1.041(0.309) | 1.064(0.297) | |
5% | −1.257(0.437) | −0.192(0.263) | −0.613(0.321) | −0.079(0.247) | −0.113(0.249) | |
0.574(0.364) | 0.052(0.253) | 0.279(0.295) | −0.012(0.238) | 0.018(0.241) | ||
exp( | 2.450(2.115) | 0.239(0.788) | 1.039(1.190) | 0.048(0.691) | 0.132(0.719) | |
c-index in training set | 0.740(0.048) | 0.740(0.048) | 0.740(0.048) | 0.740(0.048) | 0.738(0.048) | |
c-index in test set | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.734(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 2.814(0.733) | 2.359(0.599) | 2.612(0.645) | 2.344(0.583) | 2.434(0.595) | |
Calibration slope | 1.262(0.359) | 1.035(0.305) | 1.151(0.321) | 1.031(0.299) | 1.079(0.302) | |
10% | −1.239(0.436) | −0.216(0.269) | −0.692(0.334) | −0.072(0.247) | −0.144(0.251) | |
0.562(0.362) | 0.055(0.260) | 0.312(0.303) | −0.018(0.239) | 0.041(0.246) | ||
exp( | 2.388(2.080) | 0.253(0.814) | 1.176(1.271) | 0.030(0.687) | 0.201(0.749) | |
c-index in training set | 0.740(0.048) | 0.740(0.048) | 0.740(0.048) | 0.740(0.048) | 0.735(0.049) | |
c-index in test set | 0.737(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | 0.728(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 2.775(0.705) | 2.300(0.572) | 2.603(0.637) | 2.336(0.570) | 2.475(0.633) | |
Calibration slope | 1.243(0.347) | 1.012(0.296) | 1.156(0.317) | 1.029(0.295) | 1.105(0.318) |
Results of the simulation study for scenario 5 where
Percentage of zeros | Measure of performance | Shift by 1 | Shift by (1/2)(smallest nonzero) | Shift by sqrt(smallest nonzero) | Replace zeros with (1/2)(smallest nonzero) | Replace zeros with sqrt(smallest nonzero) |
1% | −0.494(0.747) | −0.516(0.750) | −0.596(0.758) | −0.284(0.720) | −0.288(0.719) | |
0.105(0.205) | 0.110(0.205) | 0.128(0.207) | 0.058(0.198) | 0.059(0.198) | ||
exp( | 0.367(0.672) | 0.382(0.677) | 0.440(0.696) | 0.220(0.619) | 0.223(0.619) | |
c-index in training set | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | |
c-index in test set | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 1.463(0.252) | 1.460(0.249) | 1.469(0.251) | 1.443(0.247) | 1.444(0.247) | |
Calibration slope | 0.973(0.185) | 0.962(0.183) | 0.972(0.184) | 0.958(0.184) | 0.959(0.183) | |
3% | −0.439(0.759) | −0.578(0.772) | −0.618(0.774) | −0.269(0.722) | −0.275(0.720) | |
0.090(0.208) | 0.122(0.211) | 0.131(0.211) | 0.054(0.199) | 0.055(0.198) | ||
exp( | 0.323(0.673) | 0.423(0.704) | 0.451(0.712) | 0.209(0.618) | 0.213(0.618) | |
c-index in training set | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | |
c-index in test set | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 1.435(0.253) | 1.448(0.250) | 1.455(0.252) | 1.433(0.246) | 1.438(0.246) | |
Calibration slope | 0.955(0.189) | 0.957(0.185) | 0.965(0.185) | 0.951(0.184) | 0.955(0.184) | |
5% | −0.361(0.775) | −0.601(0.789) | −0.601(0.786) | −0.252(0.723) | −0.251(0.723) | |
0.068(0.213) | 0.124(0.215) | 0.124(0.215) | 0.049(0.199) | 0.049(0.199) | ||
exp( | 0.261(0.674) | 0.433(0.721) | 0.433(0.719) | 0.195(0.617) | 0.195(0.617) | |
c-index in training set | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | |
c-index in test set | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | 0.738(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 1.397(0.253) | 1.428(0.249) | 1.432(0.251) | 1.423(0.245) | 1.428(0.246) | |
Calibration slope | 0.929(0.192) | 0.941(0.185) | 0.949(0.186) | 0.944(0.183) | 0.948(0.184) | |
10% | −0.084(0.808) | −0.592(0.812) | −0.481(0.804) | −0.207(0.720) | −0.160(0.725) | |
−0.007(0.221) | 0.114(0.220) | 0.089(0.218) | 0.037(0.198) | 0.024(0.199) | ||
exp( | 0.050(0.654) | 0.406(0.734) | 0.326(0.711) | 0.160(0.606) | 0.124(0.603) | |
c-index in training set | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | 0.749(0.036) | |
c-index in test set | 0.737(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | 0.737(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 1.310(0.251) | 1.402(0.247) | 1.387(0.247) | 1.423(0.244) | 1.409(0.244) | |
Calibration slope | 0.869(0.205) | 0.931(0.188) | 0.922(0.191) | 0.946(0.185) | 0.936(0.186) |
Results of the simulation study for scenario 6 where
Percentage of zeros | Measure of performance | Shift by 1 | Shift by (1/2)(smallest nonzero) | Shift by sqrt(smallest nonzero) | Replace zeros with (1/2)(smallest nonzero) | Replace zeros with sqrt(smallest nonzero) |
1% | −0.615(0.717) | −0.305(0.727) | −0.360(0.723) | −0.299(0.728) | −0.301(0.727) | |
0.133(0.171) | 0.070(0.171) | 0.082(0.170) | 0.069(0.171) | 0.070(0.171) | ||
exp( | 0.433(0.564) | 0.242(0.531) | 0.275(0.535) | 0.239(0.531) | 0.240(0.531) | |
c-index in training set | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | |
c-index in test set | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 1.422(0.208) | 1.346(0.186) | 1.364(0.190) | 1.344(0.186) | 1.346(0.186) | |
Calibration slope | 0.932(0.140) | 0.859(0.136) | 0.872(0.136) | 0.859(0.137) | 0.860(0.137) | |
3% | −0.615(0.717) | −0.315(0.727) | −0.401(0.721) | −0.300(0.728) | −0.307(0.724) | |
0.133(0.171) | 0.072(0.171) | 0.090(0.170) | 0.069(0.171) | 0.071(0.170) | ||
exp( | 0.433(0.564) | 0.248(0.532) | 0.300(0.539) | 0.239(0.531) | 0.244(0.530) | |
c-index in training set | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | |
c-index in test set | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 1.421(0.208) | 1.349(0.187) | 1.377(0.193) | 1.345(0.186) | 1.350(0.187) | |
Calibration slope | 0.932(0.140) | 0.862(0.137) | 0.884(0.137) | 0.859(0.137) | 0.864(0.136) | |
5% | −0.613(0.717) | −0.327(0.726) | −0.435(0.720) | −0.300(0.727) | −0.316(0.721) | |
0.132(0.171) | 0.075(0.171) | 0.097(0.170) | 0.069(0.171) | 0.073(0.169) | ||
exp( | 0.432(0.564) | 0.255(0.534) | 0.321(0.543) | 0.239(0.531) | 0.249(0.529) | |
c-index in training set | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | |
c-index in test set | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 1.421(0.208) | 1.352(0.187) | 1.385(0.195) | 1.345(0.186) | 1.355(0.188) | |
Calibration slope | 0.931(0.140) | 0.864(0.136) | 0.890(0.137) | 0.860(0.137) | 0.868(0.136) | |
10% | −0.604(0.719) | −0.366(0.726) | −0.509(0.719) | −0.305(0.725) | −0.343(0.714) | |
0.131(0.171) | 0.083(0.171) | 0.112(0.170) | 0.070(0.170) | 0.079(0.168) | ||
exp( | 0.426(0.564) | 0.279(0.538) | 0.366(0.552) | 0.242(0.530) | 0.266(0.527) | |
c-index in training set | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | 0.925(0.019) | |
c-index in test set | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | 0.908(0.000) | |
Calibration in the large | 1.416(0.207) | 1.355(0.189) | 1.397(0.200) | 1.349(0.187) | 1.379(0.193) | |
Calibration slope | 0.927(0.140) | 0.870(0.137) | 0.907(0.138) | 0.863(0.137) | 0.889(0.138) |